Thursday, 9 April 2015

5 Web Analytics Metrics to Pump Up PPC

These five Web analytics insights can help you boost your pay-per-click marketing efforts.

Using Web analytics to gain insights about user behavior can be an effective way to develop new strategies for pay-per-click accounts.

High-Revenue Keywords

Tracking revenue and goals in analytics is extremely helpful, especially for this exercise. Review keywords bringing in the top percentage of revenue or leads. What are the commonalties? For example, say the majority of your top revenue keywords tend to be branded. Look for opportunities with non-branded keywords, and ensure they are in the correct campaigns or create new ones and assign additional budget to optimize revenue potential.

Sign-Up or Cart Abandoners

An "abandoner” is a site user who started down the conversions path, but for some reason left the site and therefore didn’t convert at that time. By looking at the Web statistics of the relevant pages, you can see how many users bounced from the site, or stayed for a very short time. This may occur directly before a user has to input personal information or credit card information. Use this abandoner data for retargeting campaigns to reach them again with appropriate messaging. For example, for someone abandoning a shopping cart, serve ads with a discount toward the next purchase or remind them of free shipping. For an account sign-up, perhaps message them on the advantages to becoming members. Urgency will be important because abandoners may forget about their site activities by the week’s end.

Content Consumers

For companies that invest in content or blogging on a regular basis as part of their marketing strategy, users who are viewing or interacting in some way with the content can be valuable to reconnect with and drive into the conversion funnel. Two interesting ways to do this:

  1. Remarketing to users who visit specific content and serve ads with complementary products or services. You can select multiple pages of similar content or specify a length of time on the site to ensure they are the most qualified leads.
  2. AdWords offers a type of targeting called Remarketing Lists for Search Ads that reaches previous site visitors based on searches in the search results pages and on their activity on the company’s website. In the case of content, if a user is frequently reading a specific content topic, then conducts a keyword search on, it is possible to reach them with a customized ad text.

Highly Engaged

Engagement with a visitor will depend on the website and audience, but generally in analytics you will be looking for returning visits, page depth, time of the site, and number of visits. Identifying the engagement of converters vs. non-converters can give insight into how a campaign could be designed for best results. For example, say the majority of converters purchase in one day. For a new potential customer, using ad copy with timeliness might be important to communicate a same-day sale: "in stock-now," "fast, free shipping," "daily deals."

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